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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Proclaim your Faith in JESUS!

Romans 1:8 - First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. (ESV)

What happens when a person knows and received Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Savior? Will that person conceals what he has wonderfully discovered? Or will he proclaim it?

Many people in the world actually believe that religion and faith is a person's own private choice and on what to believe in will probably have the same results as others. But the sad part is, that's not the case. That's not what the Bible teaches. What is with the Bible anyway?? 

Actually, the Bible is the only book in history that survived the anvil of time. Written for more than 2000 years ago, it is the only book that has many authors in a span of many centuries. Everything that was written did not contradict. The authors of the Bible who wrote it were inspired by the Holy Spirit. So basically, the Bible was written by one author, namely God Himself, who used people to proclaim His Word. The Bible is the only book that claimed without err. With this being said, does the Bible deserves to be tested? I do believe so.

What does the Bible teaches when a person receives Christ? In our passage, Romans 1:8, the apostle Paul wrote a letter to the people of Rome, the Romans, regarding their faith in Jesus Christ. Though Paul never actually visited Rome yet, the Gentiles who lived in there that heard the gospel and received the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior, had never stopped in rejoicing and proclaiming their faith to others until Paul himself heard about it from other believers!

Yes my friend! You and I have a responsibility. It is our responsibility to respond to the gospel of Christ. As we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit of God will enlighten and conform us to the image of His son. And by this, our faith in the Lord can never be kept private.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you very much for the free gift of salvation. It is only in your Son's blood the I was redeemed and given the privilege to be called your son and to enter in the joy of Your salvation! Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for being obedient to the Father to the point of Your death. Please help me surrender everything in my life, take my cross, and follow you. Dear Holy Spirit, forgive me for the times I neglect to share the good news of the salvation that Christ gave to other people. Use me as Your vessel in reaching lost souls who are desperately in need of salvation. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

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